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At the international level, CEDHA participates in processes that promote the effective exercise of therights to access to information, public participation and access to justice, as is the case with the Summiton Sustainable Development (Earth Summit), taking place in Rio de Janeiro in 2012.

Since 2008, CEDHA has worked as a member of The Access Initiative (TAI), an international network thatworks for the application and promotion of Principle 10 of the Declaration of Rio of 1992 at a national,regional and international level. One of the principle work agendas at all these levels is the next UnitedNations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio 2012) in June of 2012.

At a regional level, CEDHA works with TAI partners from 12 countries to develop this importantprogram in Latin American and the Caribbean, through development of a strategy of articulation andparticipation in the principal preparatory conferences, most importantly the Prep COM of Latin Americaand the Caribbean, which will take place in Chile September 7, 8 and 9 of 2011.

The progress made for Rio in 2012 so far promote a green economy and recognize that an informed civilsociety and an open and responsible government are essential for the socio-economic transformationsneeded to achieve sustainable development and good environmental governance at every level.

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