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The Center for Human Rights and Environment (CEDHA) has made public a database containing more than 500 mining projects either in exploration or extraction phase in the Latin America region and invites the public to contribute to the database, either by adding projects, updating or correcting information. CEDHA is also seeking institutional partners in the region to help build the database.

There are literally hundreds of projects today actively exploring for, or already extracting minerals. CEDHA has already obtained information about many of these projects and in many cases, has identified the precise location of these projects. The database includes projects extending from Mexico to Argentina/Chile. The launch is in a partial and pilot version of the database, but includes a significant number of mining projects, Argentina (217), Chile (66), México (41), Perú (39), Colombia (21), Bolivia (14), as well as other projects in most of the other countries in the region. The database grows daily. The public version of the database available on CEDHA’s website is updated regularly as new information is added. The database also includes lithium projects from beyond the region.

The idea of the database, which is an initiative in evolution of CEDHA’s Mining, Environment and Human Rights Program, is to inform the public about mining projects in the region. CEDHA is investigating and compiling information about these projects from diverse sources and publications.

The database is of free and open access to the general public. Anyone can consult the database, but also contribute to it by adding projects, correcting posted information, etc.

CEDHA offers two platforms to access the database:

1) an Excel file of the entire database. The user can download the complete database at this link. This version is a partial version containing only a portion of the complete information CEDHA compiles on each project. The user can contact CEDHA requesting additional information about a given project at:

2) a map of mining projects in the region. This map contains many of the mining projects in the database. The user can use this platform to see the mining projects on Google Maps or Google Earth, but not all of the projects are actually located. CEDHA is working to locate and include all of the mining projects in its database on this map.

To add projects, correct, updated or suggest information about projects in the database to CEDHA, the user can send information and requests to: The database will be updated periodically with new information received.

CEDHA is also seeking institutional partners across the region to help build this initiative. For further information contact:

If you have information you’d like to add to this database, the fields sought for database inclusion are the following:

Name of the Mining Project
Country of Origin of the Company
Country where the project is located
Province or Region where the project is located
Mineral Sought
Amount of the Investment (in US$)
Stage of the Project (exploration, study, preparation, extraction, etc.)
Geographic Coordinates of the precise or approximate location (please specificy)
Stock Label of the Company and Stock Market where stock is traded
Internet Links to information about the project
Communities near to/affected by the project
Natural Resources near to/affected by the project
Brief Description of the Project
Any other relevant information the user considers pertinent about the project

For more information about this initiative, please contact: