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The PAN LAC (Latin American Brick Kilns Policy Advocacy Network) held its’ inaugural meeting today in Cuzco Peru, during a three-day workshop organized by the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) and the non-profit organization Swiss Contact on clean technologies for brick production. More than 50 participants including public officials from Argentina, Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Colombia and Mexico, attended the inaugural meeting of the PAN LAC policy network, which is coordinated by the Center for Human Rights and Environment (CEDHA). The PAN LAC aims to offer public officials a space in which to address the challenges of brick kiln contamination and debate the evolution of brick kiln policies, clean technologies, and programs to reduce black carbon and other emissions, such as methane gas, which not only contribute signficantly to climate change but which are also detrimental to human health, especially to workers, children and families living near brick kilns.
The PAN LAC network is an initiative bringing together states, multilateral agencies, civil society organizations and business, united under the auspices of the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC), a UNEP initiative promoting the phase-out of short lived climate pollutants.
PAN LAC will provide public officials with policy solutions, expert advisors, documentation, best practices, guidelines, and capacity training to improve brick kiln policy on an economic, technological, environmental and social level. PAN LAC will hold a meeting in early 2015 to review policy advances and focus on implementation efforts.
For more information:
CCAC’s Brick Kilns Initiative:
For more information on the RED PAN LAC or to become a member contact:
Jorge Daniel Taillant