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Little Rock, Arkansas – December 13-14, 2016.
A diverse group of environmental activists from California to Tierra del Fuego gathered in Little Rock Arkansas for two days to share experiences over the evolution and impacts of hydraulic fracturing activities and to debate strategies to contain contamination from fracking across the Americas through legislative and regulatory actions as well as bans on the practice.
Representatives of organizations from Mexico, Chile, Colombia, Argentina and Brazil, as well as environmental civil society representatives from Texas, Florida, Maine, Colorado, Oklahoma and California spent a day discussing how the oil and gas sector has evolved in their respective countries and States, discussing legislative and regulatory challenges, industry dynamics, impacts and the accompanying social and environmental concerns that continue to dominate regions where fracking is advancing across the continent.
During the two-day event, co-organized by the Clean Air Task Force (a US-based environmental non-profit working on reducing methane contamination in the oil sector), and the Florida-based Center for Human Rights and Environment (CHRE), the nearly two dozen representatives from across the continent also were able to visit a natural gas fracking site, operated by the Arkansas company, Southwestern Energy.
Participants were able to visit diverse fracking sites and witnessing first hand various states of hydraulic fracturing, including flow-back operations, gas/water separation, contaminated water storage facilities and compression sites.
For more information:
J.Daniel Taillant
Center for Human Rights and Environment (CHRE)
+1 415 713 2309