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From the September 7th to 9th 2011, in Santiago city (Chile), it will be developing The United Nations Preparatory Meeting for Latin America, in the context of the next Earth Summit to be held in Rio de Janeiro 2012.

The Access Initiative in Latin America (TAI), represented by civil society organizations from Argentina (Veronica Cipolatti – CEDHA), Bolivia (Teresa Flores- PRODENA), Colombia (Ana Lucia Maya – ILSA), Costa Rica (Vivianne Solis – COOPE SPLODAR R.L), Chile (Paula Fuertes y Andrea Sanhueza – PARTICIPA y Paola Vasconi – TERRAM), Ecuador (Gabriela Muñoz – CEDA) y Mexico (Olimpia Castillo – Iniciativa Acceso Mexico), is participating actively in the Meeting.

Our main goal as the Access Initiative in Latin America is to maintain in the Governmental Declaration to be agree at the end of the meeting, the paragraph that express the need to initiated negotiations for the creation of a regional Convention about the Principle 10 of the Rio Declaration (about Access to Information, Public Participation and Access to Justice in environmental matters).

Currently, this mention is already incorporated in the Draft Declaration developed by the ECLAC and it will be presented today to the Governments. This key input was taking into account thanks to the work of the TAI network in Latin America, previous the Meeting in Chile.

Paragraph 14 of the Draft Declaration establish: “Resolved to initiate a negotiation process aimed to developed a regional convention to ensure the implementation of principle 10 of The Rio Declaration, using  as experience  the Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters

Other important goal of TAI is present our work to Governments and Civil Society Organizations in the region, giving information about the importance of a regional Convention about the principle 10 and, in this way, to include these main actors to the “Three Demands Campaign”, launched by TAI in august 2011.

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