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CHRE’s objective in the area of Corporate Accountability is to promote responsible corporate behavior that is respectful of human rights and that is environmentally friendly at the international, regional and local level.

To do this we work to influence laws, call out companies that are violating human rights or environmental law, push governments to hold companies accountable, and when needed file legal or extra judicial complaints at the local or international level to thwart corporate irresponsibility.

CHRE has been one of the global leaders contributing over the years to promoting a human rights and business agenda. In fact, we helped the United Nations establish its three essential pillars in the human rights and business arena focused on:

  • strengthening the state’s duty to protect and promote the observance of human rights;
  • promoting the corporate responsibility to respect human rights and
  • improving access to justice for victims impacted negatively from business activities.

CHRE monitors business activity and its impacts to the environment and to human rights, we research and collect information about business impacts to human rights, we produce reports about impacts, we promote stronger legislation to protect human rights affected by corporate activity as well as company policies to monitor, manage and report on impacts.