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Of CEDHA’s Mining and Glacier Series

The Periglacial Environment and the Mining Sector in Argentina: The National Glacier Law and Frozen Grounds 

Have you ever heard of the Periglacial Environment?

Did you know that it’s NOT the area around a glacier?

Did you know that you can have periglacial environments with NO glaciers present!

Did you know that there may be ice BENEATH the ground?

Did you know that an entire mountains can be frozen and act like a glacier in terms of water provision?

CEDHA has just published an extensive report on the periglacial environment in Argentina, easily understandable for the non-expert, explaining what is the periglacial environment, where it is, and why it’s important in terms of water reserves and water basin regulation. The report also reveals extensive mining impacts to glaciers and to periglacial environments denied by mining companies such as Barrick Gold, McEwen Mining, Xstrata Copper, and others.

Download the report at:

(English Version); (Spanish Version)

For more information:; tel:  +54 9 351 507 8376