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Fracking and Human Rights
August 20, 2015

The Center for Human Rights and Environment (CHRE) publishes today an interpretive guideline to understand Hydraulic Fracturing (fracking) from a human rights perspective, focusing specifically on the application of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights to hydraulic fracturing.

The CHRE publication reviews the various stages of hydraulic fracturing, ranging from permitting, to exploration to fracturing, product separation, compression, transport to market, public consultation and access to information, identifying key human rights risks and impacts caused by each stage and dimension of the activity, and explores State and corporate due diligence to ensure that human rights are not violated by fracking activities.

The guidelines also provide a due diligence reference table that includes a checklist for potential users of the guidelines (which includes civil society organization, individuals and communities, companies and States) sorting out fracking phases with corresponding applicable human rights and corresponding application of the UN Guiding Principle for Business and Human Rights.

The Center for Human Rights and Environment opposes the continued global dependency on fossil fuels for meeting energy needs and draws attention to the many social and environmental risks posed by hydraulic fracturing, calling on States and companies to ensure that no human rights are violated by the oil and gas sector’s current push to expand fracking operations around the world.

Link to UNGP/Fracking Publication:
– Full Publication: Fracking and UNGPs – Draft 2 – September 29 2015
– Annex to report: Fracking and UNGPs – Draft 2 – September 29 2015.2
– Summary version: Fracking and UNGPs – Draft 2 – September 29 2015 – short version

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