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original story: CBA24N; link:
The parasitology unit of the National University of Cordoba Argentina detected high levels of contamination at the mouth of the Suquía River (which flows into Mar Chiquita lagoon–a large endorheic saltwater lake in Central Argentina). Gustavo Ibarra, Chief of the Bajo Grande laboratory (Bajo Grande is Cordoba’s principal municipal sewage treatment facility) indicated, “we found a large number of fecal bacteria, which means that Bajo Grande is contaminating all of the trajectory of the Suquía river. … there is contamination of all of the organoleptic characteristics of the water, there is odor, and something that really surprised us, many bubbles along the coastline, [and] the water is very dark. Since the river flow is slow, there is high fecal matter impact due to the raw sewage spillage from Bajo Grande. The river is unable to process this waste. I would say that this is an ecological disaster”.
Mar Chiquita is a lake in Central Argentina, measuring nearly 800 square miles and 46 miles across. It is Argentina’s largest saline lake. It is a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. Thirty eight bird species migrate to Mar Chiquita from North America.