Lead climate policy experts at the Institute for Governance & Sustainable Development examine the potential for highly indebted developing countries to exchange debt and debt…
image source: GTM/Shutterstock Why for COVID and Not For Climate An inter-generational reflection on Climate Learning from the COVID-19 Crisis April 24, 2020 By Jorge…
Romina Picolotti, Argentine Environmental Activist, Acquitted in Lawfare Case March 11, 2020 – Buenos Aires Today, a federal judge dismissed a criminal case against Romina…
Lonkimay, January 16, 2020 The mapuche indigenous community of Chile denounces that agents of the Chilean government have burned their homes and their belongings at…
Indigenous Environmental Activist in Chile, Alberto Curamil, Freed! Temuco, Chile, December 13, 2019. – The indigenous leader, Alberto Curamil, who received the prestigious Goldman Environmental…
Human Rights Leaders File Amicus Brief in the case of Chilean Indigenous Environmental Activist Washington D.C., December 6, 2019. – Four international Human Rights Organizations,…
original story: CBA24N; link: https://www.cba24n.com.ar/desastre-ambiental-la-laguna-mar-chiquita-esta-gravemente-contaminada-2/ The parasitology unit of the National University of Cordoba Argentina detected high levels of contamination at the mouth of the Suquía…
[image: Adam Riffle (CHRE), Dave Herbst (UCSB) and Jared Blumenfeld (CALEPA) take water samples at run off stream below rock glacier above Mammoth Lakes, Barney…
Inter-American Commission on Human Rights Calls for Action to Protect Environmental Defenders in Times of Climate Emergency (October 3, 2019 – Washington D.C.) – Commissioners…
ENVIRONMENTAL DEFENDERS UNDER ATTACK IN TIMES OF CLIMATE CHANGE Inter-American Commission on Human Rights Holds Special Hearing on Environmental Defenders Under Attack Victims and Experts…